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34 items found for "m"

  • 5 lessons you won’t learn at most coach training schools

    Lesson #1 : It's not about the methodology What some are calling the coach industrial complex, is a mixture Being human-centric doesn’t mean abandoning all boundaries though:- it means navigating them authentically Most advanced coaching courses focus on methodology and this can be a challenge for us to apply until than collecting a DropBox full of oddly labelled MP4’s): please email me cos I would like to buy you culture of my own client practice.

  • “What do we mean by a coaches ‘way of being’?”

    In this approach to coaching, becoming more skilful as a coach is not gaining more knowledge or skills Openness and acceptance: Maintaining a non-judgmental stance, welcoming all aspects of the client's being A HELPFUL METAPHOR? Frameworks and methodology learnt are less to reproduce certain work, and more to cultivate the skills We can start by exploring our way of being more consciously.

  • “How do I reconcile different types of coaching in my client work?”

    Action-oriented coaching focuses on achieving goals but less on exploring meaning, motivation, inner Most coach training, whether practical or academic, leaves coaches ill-prepared to navigate the multiple , constellations mapping etc. (narrative coaching), constellations mapping, music, art, poetry, improv etc. meant to prompt you to think about where you might integrate the tools and approaches that you already

  • “What makes for a good coaching relationship?”

    safety and maintaining presence via 'markers' in a 60 minute recording and an online test (plus assume respect, mutual trust but also mutual freedom of expression. when many coaches struggle with suppressing more than expressing their thoughts, feelings etc. Maybe because we’re less focused on the dance steps and more on how we dance with the clients. was “the coachee wants more”.

  • "Possibilities" Newsletter May 2023

    Thanks to those who asked whether they'd fallen off the mailing list, or missed the newsletter in their It seems to me that, other than New Year's Day, May 1st is the only common holiday across our multi-cultural , multi-religious world. Indeed, 'Mayday' is also the international signal for distress, based on the french phrase "m'aidez" ("help me").

  • "What is 'coaching supervision' and how might it benefit you ?"

    Even though we may spend much of our days speaking with others, as coaches we are there for our clients Starting out as coaches, you may not be getting many clients and so may not feel the need for a supervisor or may be unwilling to spend on supervision until you have built more of a practice. If the Mentor coach is aligned to a particular coach training school, part of their role may also be They take more of a 'coach the coach' approach. A HELPFUL METAPHOR?

  • Possibilities Newsletter March 2021

    eyes like my Teenager at all the 'tent pole' marketing messages arriving in my inbox, but at this time Day is March 25th... This month on the Bamboo Blog we are exploring what we really mean by 'freedom'. So if you missed it last time - or want to go round again in more depth - do join us! Take care Sue x Bamboo March Workshop: Membership and credentials with Coaching bodies Coaching for Development

  • 6 ways to spot real coaching

    Not to mention AI coaching. As gregarious primates who are oriented towards meaning and make sense through language and story we Real coaching gets to the heart of what matters to us What we find out about ourselves may surprise us “if women didn’t exist, all the money in the world would have no meaning”. We learn to make more space in our lives to question ourselves more skilfully, listen to ourselves more

  • Topic 12: Cognitive Intelligence

    Daniel Siegel busts a number of commonly held myths about adolescence—for example, that it is merely In the highly anticipated Thinking, Fast and Slow, Kahneman takes us on a groundbreaking tour of the mind System 1 is fast, intuitive, and emotional; System 2 is slower, more deliberative, and more logical The These are examples of cognitive biases, simple errors we all make in our day-to-day thinking. But by knowing what they are and how to spot them, we can avoid them and make better decisions

  • Topic 11: Somatic Intelligence

    for Presence, Empowerment, and Waking Up in This Life by Christine Caldwell Breathing, sensing, and moving—the ways we know our body—carry tremendous contemplative potential, and yet, we so often move through our

  • Topic 10: Emotional Intelligence

    How Emotions are Made by Lisa Feldman Barrett What if what you think you know about why you feel what sadness runs through my body in the same way as yours does through yours. Kessler argues that it’s finding meaning beyond the stages of grief most of us are familiar with—denial Hold Me Tight by Sue Johnson In Hold Me Tight, Dr. Soloman and Stan Tatkin What happens between partners that makes love turn to war?

  • Topic 9: Fiction

    The ministry for the future by Kim Stanley Robinson The Ministry for the Future is a masterpiece of the

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