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34 items found for "t"

  • Topic 7: Art and Poetry

    online - perhaps you've seen them? They've also been recreated by children in schools and hung on hospital walls. Perhaps you saw the boy and mole on the Comic Relief T-shirt, Love Wins? which, again and again, have really shown themselves to work. Rather than focus on art techniques that build skills or overcome creative blocks through playful activities

  • 5 lessons you won’t learn at most coach training schools

    Keen to develop, we coaches pick our way through the forest, trying to figure out which schools to choose Last month’s blog explored the idea that it’s not the tools and techniques but how we learn to show up The creative tension is in avoiding advising or mentoring rather than coaching. mill - bring them to your coach community and learn from them. his precious time is actually more challenging than most demo coaching.

  • “How do I reconcile different types of coaching in my client work?”

    could be termed the Outer Track of coaching. There is also an Inner Track of coaching, in which the client is transforming something about themselves Arguably the Outer Track and Inner Track are symbiotic. between Inner Track and Outer Track a considered Purpose and Outcomes statement weaving together themes between them Examples: Cost-benefit analysis, Pros/Cons list, Positive psychology, Typing tools eg Values

  • Topic 12: Cognitive Intelligence

    Brainstorm by Dan Siegel Between the ages of twelve and twenty-four, the brain changes in important and , at times, challenging ways. Fast and Slow by Daniel Kahneman In the highly anticipated Thinking, Fast and Slow, Kahneman takes us on a groundbreaking tour of the mind and explains the two systems that drive the way we think. But by knowing what they are and how to spot them, we can avoid them and make better decisions

  • Topic 11: Somatic Intelligence

    Up in This Life by Christine Caldwell Breathing, sensing, and moving—the ways we know our body—carry tremendous contemplative potential, and yet, we so often move through our days unaware of or in conflict with our physical selves The Pocket Guide to Polyvagal Theory, The transformative power of feeling safe By Stephen This book distills that theory into practical clinical tips, explaining its relevance to the social engagement system and offering clinical examples, including cases of trauma and autism

  • Topic 10: Emotional Intelligence

    Barrett offers a radical theory of constructed emotion overturning the two-thousand year old assumption yours does through yours. It serves as a guide for those who live with anxiety disorders and those who live with them by proxy Hold Me Tight by Sue Johnson In Hold Me Tight, Dr. Three eminent psychiatrists tackle the difficult task of reconciling what artists and thinkers have known

  • Topic 9: Fiction

    Ministry for the Future is a masterpiece of the imagination, using fictional eyewitness accounts to tell extraordinary novel from visionary science fiction writer Kim Stanley Robinson will change the way you think

  • Topic 8: Career and Contribution

    Palmer For those struggling with overload of choices and decisions, this short book of 120 pages offers a different way of thinking about how to engage with work and vocation by listening to ourselves more The Soul of Money by Lynne Twist This liberating book shows us that examining our attitudes toward money―earning Through personal stories and practical advice, Lynne Twist asks us to discover our relationship with call dharma—through mindfulness and self-exploration

  • Topic 6 : Tending Ourselves

    neuroscience of spirituality and a bold new paradigm for health, healing, and resilience—from a New York Times Nagoski and Amelia Nagoski This groundbreaking book explains why women experience burnout differently than Assuming you live to be eighty, you have just over four thousand weeks. We are beset by climate change, fracking, tar sands extraction, GMOs, and mass extinctions of species and expand our consciousness when technology keeps us hooked to our devices?

  • Topic 5: Conscious Capitalism and Beyond

    Today, these trends have reached their extreme—but in the wake of their collapse, we may find great opportunity To thrive today and tomorrow, they argue, companies must become “net positive”—giving more to the world than they take. The time for action is running short. And what’s the key to unlock the mindset shift to enable truly regenerative transformation?

  • Topic 4: Climate and Ecology

    practical approach to climate change by noted environmentalist Paul Hawken, creator of the New York Times of action, policy, and transformation that can end the climate crisis in one generation. the world Note: hopeful and beautifully illustrated guide to climate transformation solutions Entangled Life - Merlin Sheldrake Entangled Life is an eye-opening exploration of this mysterious taxonomic kingdom Now imagine that one of those stories is taking over the others, narrowing our diversity and creating

  • Topic 3: Power, Diversity and Inclusion

    . * Your phone is too big for your hand * Your doctor prescribes a drug that is wrong for your body * Kendi presents a theory of antiracism, a system of ideas and policies that fight racial inequity. As teenager, Kendi gave a public speech full of stereotypes about young Black people like himself Note Part instruction manual and part memoir fast becoming a classic Woke racism - John Mc Whorter New York Times -Adam Grant, author of Give and Take and Originals Note: Practical guide to bias busting in organisations

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