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34 items found for "s"

  • 5 lessons you won’t learn at most coach training schools

    So what should we be looking for if not methodology alone? So finding a school which creates the conditions for that is key. watch the recording later if you miss it” (rather than collecting a DropBox full of oddly labelled MP4’s) If you are short of clients you can join the Bamboo Studio Groups: our Social Impact Group connects us our suggested reflection prompts in the Tool Shed.

  • Possibilities Newsletter October 2021

    Capturing our own energy When language shapes our expectations, it also shapes what is and isn't possible the soil beneath our feet up with each step? Sounds impossible? In the 90's when dieters were calorie conscious, I remember my lunch buddy at work regularly asking of Or so time conscious that we never wanted to spend 'empty minutes' doom-scrolling.

  • 6 ways to spot real coaching

    A Cinderella story-style stagecoach powered by DALL E3 If you were a coach twenty years ago, people asked “which sport?” So, if you’re a certified coach struggling to distinguish what you do, or someone wondering whether coaching In our brave new digital world, it’s easier to sell a silver bullet than a struggle and once you've made But there is no single playbook for Life and IRL, where all the stress, stuckness, and suffering happens

  • Topic 11: Somatic Intelligence

    Bodyfulness: Somatic Practices for Presence, Empowerment, and Waking Up in This Life by Christine Caldwell Breathing, sensing, and moving—the ways we know our body—carry tremendous contemplative potential, and yet, we so often move through our days unaware of or in conflict with our physical selves The Pocket Guide to Polyvagal Theory, The transformative power of feeling safe By Stephen Porges The polyvagal system and offering clinical examples, including cases of trauma and autism

  • Topic 2: Society and Culture

    must do to survive and thrive - as individuals, as organizations, as nations, even as a species. about how we address climate change and wider social change. Inspired by ideas from quantum physics and quantum social science, her book challenges the mindsets of It offers new ways to think about our potential to shift the cultures and systems that perpetuate them adaptation and transformations to sustainability.

  • Topic 1: Indigenous Philosophy and Different Ways of Seeing and Knowing

    to cooking, sex and science and spirits to Schrödinger’s cat. some activities Braiding Sweetgrass - Robin Wall Kemmerer As a botanist, Robin Wall Kimmerer has been Sensuous Knowledge - Minna Salami Sensuous Knowledge inspires reflection and challenges us to formulate of the sensuous - David Abram Animal tracks, word magic, the speech of stones, the power of letters, and to the sensuous terrain that sustains us.

  • Possibilities Newsletter 'Spring' 2022

    but I’ve settled into a seasonal rather than monthly cadence for this newsletter and Spring is the season We practised in a storm shelter (see the photo above, credit to NParks, Singapore). The Four Pillars of our shelter are Sleep, Diet, Exercise and Stress-regulating activities. The Common Space of the shelter allows room for Supportive Gathering. Hoping you can build and maintain safe shelter for yourselves in these stormy times and enjoy a season

  • "What is 'coaching supervision' and how might it benefit you ?"

    Starting out as coaches, you may not be getting many clients and so may not feel the need for a supervisor Another role of supervision is restorative: supervision can be the safe harbour we know we can come back Confusingly, coaching supervision isn't supposed to provide you with a supervisor in the common-sense career - and often several at the same time! Join a supervision group or engage a supervisor to see how you might benefit.

  • "How do I best support a client in distress?"

    services or other appropriate support and stay with them until help arrives. would benefit from seeking more specific help. time seek specific help in alleviating those conditions. ourselves to be able to attune to them, refer them when necessary and seek our own support in supervision for which a client would not otherwise seek support.

  • "How do I describe the sort of coaching I offer?"

    In the early days of coaching it sometimes felt as though coaches were seen as the Fairy Godmothers of Coaching that takes a more 'second generation' approach is still goal or solution oriented but takes process of their ongoing development towards sustainable change rather than to only meet specific short a partnership in which someone becomes freer so that their suffering is less. Keep a 'self-supervision' journal for your coaching sessions to build a practice of self reflection on

  • Possibilities Newsletter September 2021

    It starts to emit a particular note 'sing' at its resonant frequency. Seeking to express that sense of meaning in our lives through our actions could be called living with specific tendency within me and something in the external world that taps upon it such that I feel called hosting traditional English Christmas dinners for my family in Singapore, it is easy for me to see food to sustain my interest in them.

  • Second Quarter 2020 Newsletter

    Hope you are safe and well in these extraordinary times. ongoing ecological crisis and climate emergency. radical (adj) late 14c., in a medieval philosophical sense of Cape Town’s Graduate School of Business in South Africa for over 15 years and for the last four years in Geneva, Switzerland . The course delivers 67 hours of ICF ​Approved Coach Specific Training hours (​ ACSTH) which satisfies

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