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34 items found for "r"

  • 6 ways to spot real coaching

    Whether rigorous research from Ivy professors or the lived experience of TikTok life hackers, the issue Real coaching creates runways as well as results Being supported in a safe space to reflect, discover Real coaching helps us dance to the beat of our own drums We live in rhythms and cycles. What's more, a supportive relationship with another role models how to better relate to ourselves. Real coaching creates runways as well as results 6.

  • “How do I reconcile different types of coaching in my client work?”

    It can be difficult to reconcile what we learn from different types of training - not to mention all this as an “either/or”, how do we reconcile tools and approaches that allow us to address both Inner and effective practices that can be integrated into a client’s life plus the habit of reflection so There are areas that the owner loves and areas that they really don’t like or know what to do with. /reconfiguring (narrative coaching), constellations mapping, music, art, poetry, improv etc.

  • “What makes for a good coaching relationship?”

    In Integral Coaching we draw on the work of German philosopher, Jurgen Habermas who defines right relationship Applied formulaically it was really irritating to have everything I said repeated back at me. on co-operative inquiry From Psychotherapy, the work of Carl Rogers on the role of unconditional positive and positive regard and curiosity rather than judging not just in coaching relationships but more generally Competent coaches co-create relationships which cultivate trust and respect Competent coaches support

  • 5 lessons you won’t learn at most coach training schools

    Lesson #4 : We learn most from coaching in real life Like tennis, or cooking or riding a bicycle, coaching Watching masters coach other coaches can be like watching stunt drivers in the movies: risky to replicate If you are one of the people who actually manages to “watch the recording later if you miss it” (rather Keep a coaching reflections journal so you can reflect and learn from each coaching session you do: see our suggested reflection prompts in the Tool Shed.

  • “What do we mean by a coaches ‘way of being’?”

    The ICF core competencies include a whole domain on co-creating the relationship. At Bamboo Being, we believe that how we ‘show up’ either fosters co-creative relationships or gets in reactions, ensuring they don't interfere with the coaching process. Frameworks and methodology learnt are less to reproduce certain work, and more to cultivate the skills Journaling and Reflection: Keeping a journal for recording thoughts, feelings, and experiences.

  • "Possibilities" Newsletter May 2023

    As a practice dedicated to renewal and fresh possibility, it feels fitting to write you on May Day, the that, other than New Year's Day, May 1st is the only common holiday across our multi-cultural, multi-religious It's also a day recognising the dignity of human labour and the struggle for human rights, something If you sometimes feel at a loss to know how to respond to crises on seemingly every level, know that the Bamboo Being website to better reflect what we are up to and where we are headed.

  • Topic 12: Cognitive Intelligence

    and emotional; System 2 is slower, more deliberative, and more logical The Art of Thinking Clearly by Rolf

  • Topic 11: Somatic Intelligence

    This book distills that theory into practical clinical tips, explaining its relevance to the social engagement

  • Topic 10: Emotional Intelligence

    Barrett offers a radical theory of constructed emotion overturning the two-thousand year old assumption that each emotion has a distinct 'fingerprint' and my sadness runs through my body in the same way as Johnson teaches that the way to save and enrich a relationship is to reestablish safe emotional connection Two leading therapists apply the latest neuroscience research on emotional arousal to help couples regulate and its essential role in human well-being draws on the latest scientific research.

  • Topic 9: Fiction

    The ministry for the future by Kim Stanley Robinson The Ministry for the Future is a masterpiece of the favorite books of the year, this extraordinary novel from visionary science fiction writer Kim Stanley Robinson

  • Topic 8: Career and Contribution

    Through personal stories and practical advice, Lynne Twist asks us to discover our relationship with money, understand how we use it, and by assessing our core human values, align our relationship with

  • Topic 7: Art and Poetry

    They've also been recreated by children in schools and hung on hospital walls. Perhaps you saw the boy and mole on the Comic Relief T-shirt, Love Wins? pocket-sized book presents the most essential poems in his dispensary: those which, again and again, have really 'The book is delightful; it rightly resituates poetry in relation to its biggest and most serious task Rather than focus on art techniques that build skills or overcome creative blocks through playful activities

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