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34 items found for "b"

  • "What's wrong with giving advice?"

    This blog is intended for coaches and trainee coaches looking to deepen their capability and confidence both for our own sake and the industry as a whole. Especially when your client knows that you have been around the organisation for a while, or been in A better metaphor for developmental coaching, which distinguishes between learning (acquiring specific other activities such as mentoring or advising with a metaphor that a) puts them in the 'driver's seat' b)

  • “What do we mean by a coaches ‘way of being’?”

    At Bamboo Being, we believe that how we ‘show up’ either fosters co-creative relationships or gets in Integral Coaching places a significant emphasis on a coach's way of being, believing it's central to The idea of ‘way of being’ goes beyond techniques and what we say or do in coaching sessions to the qualities The big distinction here is the difference between focusing on what we are doing versus how we are being of a strong way of being (see below) within oneself.

  • Topic 5: Conscious Capitalism and Beyond

    we may find great opportunity to transition to a more connected, ecological, and sustainable way of being , former Unilever CEO Paul Polman and sustainable business guru Andrew Winston explode fifty years of To thrive today and tomorrow, they argue, companies must become “net positive”—giving more to the world But this success has been costly. Rewild - Nick Baker As our busy, technology-driven lives become more sedentary and less connected to

  • "What is 'coaching supervision' and how might it benefit you ?"

    This blog is intended for coaches and trainee coaches looking to deepen their capability and confidence Increasingly, coaching bodies and institutions are recognising the need for coaches to have safe spaces of being in it are of great importance. work beyond the initial coach training period. Join a supervision group or engage a supervisor to see how you might benefit.

  • "How do I best support a client in distress?"

    Why is it important for us to recognise both the benefits and limits of coaching in supporting those Coaching can offer therapeutic benefit to clients without being therapists. where their bodies might benefit from more detailed attention or where there may be potential injury of behaviour and goals. You could use the infographic from our previous blog to help clients distinguish between coaching, mentoring

  • Welcome to Bamboo Being

    Dear Friends, I am delighted to welcome you to the new Bamboo Being website, a space to connect with I would really love for you to join the community as a Bamboo Member. Events and invites to complimentary gatherings Member-only discussions on Bamboo Blog topics and Bamboo Book Club If you don't wish to become a Member you may also subscribe to our emailing list and receive At any time you can visit our Resources page for the Bamboo Blog, Bamboo Book Club and to hear Bamboo

  • 6 ways to spot real coaching

    beanstalk. In our brave new digital world, it’s easier to sell a silver bullet than a struggle and once you've made Think caterpillar to butterfly: transformation breaks down the present way of being in service of the future way of being. or become one, please be in touch with us at *crediting this phrase to my colleague

  • 5 lessons you won’t learn at most coach training schools

    Does the methodology embrace the full biological, social and philosophical aspects of being human? Being human-centric doesn’t mean abandoning all boundaries though:- it means navigating them authentically At Bamboo Being, we believe in curating intimate workshops and events with a dozen or so lovely humans We’ve found that we learn best through doing and being in the company of simpatico fellows with whom which you can ‘be, become and belong’ creates the best conditions for your coaching practice to unfurl

  • “How do I reconcile different types of coaching in my client work?”

    This blog is intended for coaches and trainee coaches looking to deepen their capability and confidence Coaching is a quickly evolving field with a bewildering array of approaches. can be difficult to reconcile what we learn from different types of training - not to mention all the books This is often the province of managers tasked with goal-based performance coaching. Imagine being engaged to work with someone to enhance their garden.

  • “What makes for a good coaching relationship?”

    This blog is intended for coaches and trainee coaches looking to deepen their capability and confidence At Bamboo Being, we believe the relationship is the ground from which growth happens not only for client have been observed in your ICF approved coach training). Let's look at both... WHERE DOES INTEGRAL COACHING FIT IN? Or acting in ways that bring suffering to others or themselves.

  • "Possibilities" Newsletter May 2023

    Dear Friend It's been a while. and sorry for not being in touch sooner. Here's what our growing community of Integral Coaches in Asia and beyond have been up to: we just finished Studio for Coaches; and we re-invigorated the Bamboo Being website to better reflect what we are up If you have been partnering with us in these endeavours, a big THANK YOU!

  • Topic 12: Cognitive Intelligence

    Brainstorm by Dan Siegel Between the ages of twelve and twenty-four, the brain changes in important and In Brainstorm, Dr. Daniel Siegel busts a number of commonly held myths about adolescence—for example, that it is merely Or continued doing something you knew was bad for you? These are examples of cognitive biases, simple errors we all make in our day-to-day thinking.

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