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Join date: Aug 31, 2019


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Toby has over fifteen years as a coach. He also has twenty five years’ experience in practising, teaching and facilitating mindfulness meditation, including five years as a Buddhist monk in the Tibetan tradition. He specializes in 1:1 coaching, and executive mindfulness programs for sustainable high performance in the workplace and stress transformation (meaning how to avoid burnout, and transform existing negative stressors into causes of growth, creativity and innovation).

He runs the year-round mindfulness program for MBA’s, staff and faculty at the INSEAD school of business, Singapore branch.

As the founder of his training company, Integral Meditation Asia, Toby has facilitates leadership and performance programs for companies including Visa, Thompson Reuters, Ubisoft, Skyscaner, Spotify, Burberry, Aviva, Finexis and ABN Amro.

As a former artist and current business owner Toby’s mindfulness methodology reflects a strong interest in:

• How it can be linked to work performance/engagement

• How it can enhance mental, emotional and physical resilience

• Its potential to stimulate more deeply the innate capacity for creative intelligence found within both individuals and groups.

He is a certified coach (With the Newfield School), the author of the Book ‘Engaged Mindfulness’, and the creator of the Integral Mindfulness Program for coaches, trainers and therapists.

Professional Expertise: Integrative coaching for leadership, sustainable high performance, enhanced health and stress management/transformation.

You can find out more about his coaching and training at & read his writings and reflections on the mindful life at

Toby Ouvry

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