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October News

Hope you are having a fruitful October.

The theme for this month's enquiry in Being Human at this time is Being Overwhelmed. It is easy to find ourselves feeling that way when we scroll through feeds about what is happening in the world - or just opening our inboxes and calendars.

overwhelm (v.) early 14c., "to turn upside down, to overthrow," from over- + Middle English whelmen "to turn upside down" (see whelm). Meaning "to submerge completely" is mid-15c.

Check out the Bamboo Blog for the first in a series on how we can find energy to 'right' ourselves when we feel turned upside down by our lives.


What we got up to in September!

We celebrated the certification of the latest cohort of Integral Coaches in Singapore!

Well done and congratulations to you all, welcome to the community and we hope to be connecting with you for many years to come.

We also had a lovely one day taster workshop for Sarita Chawla’s “Living Your Authentic Life” programme. Comments from the group were that “it was a profound experience”, an “incredible group” and “a glimpse of what authenticity in our lives can look like”.

If you are interested in hearing more about our plans to bring the programme to Asia next year, please email Pauline at


What we're up to in October...

​This month’s Bamboo Blog Post is the first in a series of blogs about Being Overwhelmed

Check out the Bamboo Book List for our pick of the month.

Do join as a member to connect on the Bamboo Forum with other members for conversations and resources on this and other topics


What's coming up in November

We’re delighted to announce that visiting MCC coach Janine Ahler, Senior Faculty in Integral Coaching from the Centre for Coaching, based at the University of Cape Town’s Graduate School of Business, will be visiting us in Singapore in support of our ongoing 6 month corporate coach training programme Coaching For Development

Janine will be offering a 1 day masterclass on Coaching the Body on a choice of two dates. This is intended for new and experienced coaches alike as a practical approach to enrolling and integrating your client's body and behaviour in your coaching.

Janine will also offer a 2 day workshop on Facilitating Coaching Circles.

This is suitable for more experienced coaches, particularly those who train people in taking a coaching approach to managing and leading and who want to learn how to support them better in their ongoing practice

We will also be welcoming Volker Krohn, MA. Psych, Senior Supervising Facilitator & Director of the Hoffman Centre Australia/Singapore since 1991 and a Director of Hoffman International.

He was personally trained by Robert Hoffman in the late 1980s and is a senior supervising facilitator of the Process.

Volker will offer an evening talk for coaches, therapists and others interested in how the Hoffman Process could be of benefit for you or your clients.

If you are interested in any of these events in November please register on the Bamboo Events page or click on the button below to be in touch for further details. Thanks for being with us and look forward to connecting with you.

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