Happy New Year!
Aligned to our focus topic for Q1, this book is great for demystifying Somatic Coaching.
It is a great overview and explanation and stops short of actually explaining how to use somatics to coach i.e.: it isn't a workbook.

Happy New Year!
Aligned to our focus topic for Q1, this book is great for demystifying Somatic Coaching.
It is a great overview and explanation and stops short of actually explaining how to use somatics to coach i.e.: it isn't a workbook.
Bamboo Library - Focus Topic for Q1 2024 - Somatic Coaching
Whilst there are many topics of interest across the coaching spectrum, we would like to propose selecting one topic each quarter to place special focus on.
Based on the survey feedback we received, we have selected Somatic Coaching for the first focus topic.
If you have any books, videos and podcasts related to Somatic Coaching then please do post them into the library so that we can all share the learning - please also post materials on other topics as well!!
Towards the end of March we will arrange a discussion forum (not sure yet if this will be in-person, online or a hybrid) where we can come together to share our learnings on Somatic Coaching.
Many thanks